Saturday, October 22, 2011


The Lambda Literary Foundation just published a feature...about me? Awesome cool cat Tom Cardamone interviewed me on a Saturday morning's a taste...

TOM: Congratulations on your shiny new collection of short stories, Dirty One! What can you tell us about the process of putting it together and finding a publisher?

MICHAEL: Thank you! I feel very grateful and blessed. The stories in Dirty One are stories I began writing in my twenties. I never set out to form a collection that was linked. It was just, well, linked all by itself. Writing these pieces was almost like putting together an album. I wanted fifty-dollar words and I wanted to create literary pop. Colorful, fizzy, glitterized fiction. I’ve always wanted to be the literary pop star next door. If that makes sense? Is that lame? Anyhow, I’m truly proud of the collection.

Read the full interview and many more terrific LGBT literary articles at:

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